Articles on: Deliverability

I sent my email to the seed list. Why hasn’t it been received?

Please make sure that you send your email to your entire seed list. Not sending to the entirety of your list may result in us not receiving your email. Double-checking that every email address in your seed list is included is an important step if the email is not showing as received.

You will also need to ensure that campaigns sent to your list are sent to in a blast format.

If you are using an ESP, the best process is to create a list specifically for your Emailable seedlist, and send a campaign directly to this list.

If you are using an email client such as Google Workspace or Office 365, you will want to copy and paste your Emailable seedlist into the 'Cc' line.

Sending to your Emailable seedlist as an automation or as a part of a drip series will result in incomplete testing results in our application.
Sending to your Emailable seedlist as an A/B split test will also result in incomplete testing results in our application.

Updated on: 07/22/2024

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