Articles on: Email List Verification
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"Risky" emails

“Risky” emails

What are Risky emails?

“Risky” email addresses are those that have low quality or low deliverability. They may exist but are currently facing technical issues that show very low engagement in that mailbox. We classify them as “risky” because they may cause quality issues for your campaigns.

Should I send emails to addresses marked as “Risky”?

Although this category may include emails that are technically still deliverable, we recommend you use caution when emailing any address marked as “Risky” as it may be an Accept All, a Disposable, or a Role address. If you are unfamiliar with any of these terms, read on.

Accept-All: Addresses that will initially accept mail for any address, but may not reach an actual inbox. This can also cause a bounce (a failed delivery notification, which gets returned to the sender).

Disposable: Created often by users who do not wish to give their primary address. These are defined as “Risky” because they are temporary and will only be valid for a short period of time.

Role: These generally define a responsibility rather than a person (i.e. support@ or info@) and often are managed by several people. These emails are often associated with more bounces, more unsubscribes, and decreased engagement rates.

Every list is different, and every company’s threshold for emailing addresses that cannot be specifically defined as “Deliverable” is different.

We recommend you consider the age and source of the data to help you make a more informed decision regarding keeping or removing emails we categorize as “Risky”.

Updated on: 02/28/2023

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