How to generate an Inbox Report
To start using the Deliverability feature, head to your dashboard and press “Deliverability” on the top right side of your screen. To generate your first report, either download the provided list of seed emails as a .csv file or directly copy the email list. If your ESP or CRM requires certain data fields such as first name, last name, and full name we recommend you download the .csv file since thisFew readersWhat information do Deliverability Inbox Reports provide?
Deliverability inbox reports are composed of several parts: Insights Authentication Placement Spam assassin Link validation Image validation Blacklists Insights: This panel provides a summary of your report. The information on this panel refers to all of the analyzed data in a simplified overview. Press any of the different information boxes to be taken directly to that panel of the report. The insight panel will look like this ( readersBlacklist Monitor
Deliverability allows you to monitor your domain or IP address to see whether or not you’re blacklisted. Deliverability checks over 120 blacklists in real-time and notifies you any time a listing or delisting occurs. To start monitoring your domain, IP address, or both - head over to Deliverability on the upper left side of your dashboard. Then, select “Blacklist Monitors” and input your domain or IP address. ( readersSpam Scoring (what is BCL, SCL and PCL?)
These scoring tools are used specifically by Microsoft to determine the potential risks associated with incoming email messages to their network. Bulk Complaint Level (BCL) - is the email from a bulk sender? On a scale from 0 (unlikely) to 9 (likely from a bulk sender that generates a high number of complaints). Spam Confidence Level (SCL) - the likelihood that the message is spam on a scale from 0 (unlikely) to 9 (very likely). Phishing Confidence Level (PCL) - is the email likelFew readersI sent my email to the seed list. Why hasn’t it been received?
Please make sure that you send your email to your entire seed list. Not sending to the entirety of your list may result in us not receiving your email. Double-checking that every email address in your seed list is included is an important step if the email is not showing as received. You will also need to ensure that campaigns sent to your list are sent to in a blast format. If you are using an ESP, the best process is to create a list specifically for your Emailable seedlist, and send a caFew readersAuthentication (what are DKIM, SPF, and DMARC?)
DKIM - a crucial step to validate and ensure your identity as a sender. This process is done by creating two keys, one of them will be private and saved on your sending SMTP server, while the other will be public and saved in the Domain Name System (DNS). More specifically, DKIM is an email security standard that helps detect whether messages are altered in transit between sending and receiving mail servers. It uses public-key cryptography to sign email with a responsible party's private keyFew readersBlacklist Monitoring
Check if your domain, or one of your mail servers, is listed on any blacklists. If your IP or domain are listed, you can delist, or start a blacklist monitor. Deliverability checks over 120 blacklists in real-time, and notifies you anytime a listing or delisting occurs. What is a blacklist? A blacklist works as a spam filter used by internet service providers and anti-spam systems that identify in real-time IP addresses or domains that are recognized for having spammy behavior. OrganizationsFew readersLink & Image Validation
What is link validation? Link validation is confirming the legitimacy and functionality of the links in your emails. This process works by double-checking that the URL used is correct, loads properly, and recipients end up in the right place. What is image validation? Image validation ensures that the images included in your emails are reachable, contain necessary attributes and CSS styling. One component of this involves checking the HTML parameters in the images included in your emails toFew readers